10 Tips for Getting It All Done – Words of Wisdom from this CEO MOM

People always ask me how I do it all. How have I run my company and been an active mom over these past 9+ years? I am sure I will look back – once I have time to take a breath – and wonder the same thing. I am terrible when it comes to allowing [...]

10 Tips for Getting It All Done – Words of Wisdom from this CEO MOM2019-02-27T16:12:33-05:00

“My Future Job” – 6th Grade Assignment…30 Years Later!

I was cleaning out some old stuff in my basement recently when I stumbled upon this report I did in elementary school. The assignment was called “My Future Job.” Here it is above! Besides the fact that I am blown away by how nice my handwriting was back then (it isn’t like this today!), the [...]

“My Future Job” – 6th Grade Assignment…30 Years Later!2019-02-27T16:10:58-05:00

Where Did the Time Go?

In my 20s, before I started CertifiKID, I had a blog called “Little Miss Fun Finds.” Here is the logo that I spent hours and hours working on. The blog was geared to local DC area parents, and particularly moms, who were looking for a good deal and new things to try locally. The blog [...]

Where Did the Time Go?2019-02-28T09:43:13-05:00