Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Founder of 
CEO of 
Who is Jamie Ratner?
CEO & Founder of CertifiKID, recognized as one of best deal websites for parents. Soccer Mom of 2. Wife of Attorney. Entrepeneur (a/k/a “Mompreneur”). Speaker. Thought Leader. Maryland native. Expert in the daily deal, Mom, and digital media space. Extroverted introvert. Brainstormer. Degrees in Criminal Justice and Security Management. Bargain hunter. Runner. Yogi. Reader. Foodie. Bad speller. Conservative gambler. Worrier. Operates in organized chaos. Doer, not talker. Traveler. Bad dancer. Writer. Laugher. Saver.

Who is Jamie Ratner?
CEO & Founder of CertifiKID, recognized as one of best deal websites for parents. Soccer Mom of 2. Wife of Attorney. Entrepeneur (a/k/a “Mompreneur”). Speaker. Thought Leader. Maryland native. Expert in the daily deal, Mom, and digital media space. Extroverted introvert. Brainstormer. Degrees in Criminal Justice and Security Management. Bargain hunter. Runner. Yogi. Reader. Foodie. Bad speller. Conservative gambler. Worrier. Operates in organized chaos. Doer, not talker. Traveler. Bad dancer. Writer. Laugher. Saver.